Results for 'Apb of Armagh Francesco Pitigiani D'arezzo'

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  1. Johannes Duns Scotus. Opera Omnia.John Duns Scotus, Apb of Armagh Francesco Pitigiani D'arezzo, Aristotle, Peter Lombard & Hugh MacGaghwell - 1868 - G. Olms.
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    Idealization XI: Historical Studies on Abstraction and Idealization.Francesco Coniglione, Roberto Poli & Robin D. Rollinger (eds.) - 2004 - Rodopi.
    Discussions about abstraction are so important and so profound that this topic can hardly be neglected. It has inevitably cropped up again in various periods of philosophical enquiry. Despite these ancient roots and after the great debate that characterised the empirical and rationalistic tradition, interest in the problem has unfortunately been absent in large measure from the mainstream of mathematical logic and analytic philosophy. It seems that there is a gap between the epistemological theorization, in which it is difficult to (...)
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    Hobbes e il potere. Dalla fisica alla teologia, dalla teoria delle passioni alla politica.Dimitri D'Andrea, Guido Frilli & Francesco Toto - 2019 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 31 (60).
    Besides indicating the fundamental themes of the various contributions that come together in this monographic section, the purpose of this introduction is to recall the main features of the Hobbesian concept of power, starting from the belief that Hobbes’ philosophy is above all a phi-losophy of power. Based on a radical materialistic ontology, the Hobbesian semantics of power takes on different variations in the particular discursive fields it crosses, which in turn significantly influence its movement. The double dependence on the (...)
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    Experiencing Musical Improvisation: The Body, the Mind, and the Senses.Francesco D'Errico - 2018 - World Futures 74 (3):175-186.
    In the following article, I will try to describe and, thus, share with my readers those moments and those segments in my life that have allowed me to be involved in the experience of musical improvisation, which is comprised of the gestures, ideas, and emotions that, together, encompass the musical objects of improvisation, and the desire, the pleasure of sharing these objects in their shaping and creation.
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    Cerebral hemodynamic changes to transcranial Doppler sonography in celiac disease: A pilot study.Francesco Fisicaro, Giuseppe Lanza, Carmela Cinzia D’Agate, Manuela Pennisi, Mariagiovanna Cantone, Giovanni Pennisi, Marios Hadjivassiliou & Rita Bella - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:931727.
    BackgroundSonographic mesenteric pattern in celiac disease (CD) suggests a hyperdynamic circulation. Despite the well-known CD-related neurological involvement, no study has systematically explored the cerebral hemodynamics to transcranial Doppler sonography.Materials and methodsMontreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) and 17-item Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS) were assessed in 15 newly diagnosed subjects with CD and 15 age-, sex-, and education-matched healthy controls. Cerebral blood flow (CBF) velocities and indices of resistivity (RI) and pulsatility (PI) from the middle cerebral artery (MCA), bilaterally, and the basilar (...)
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  6. Durata e necessità temporale in Matteo d'Acquasparta, Francesco di Meyronnes, Gregorio da Rimini e Giovanni di Mirecourt.Francesco Fiorentino - 2006 - Gregorianum 87 (3):597-622.
    On the one hand, after Matteo d'Acquasparta's distinction between the three types of eternity and the temporal necessity of the past, Meyronnes radicalized Scotus's dynamic vision of duration, conceiving the modality as a relation of implication between predicate and existing subject, and time as relationship between Creator and creature. On the other hand, after Ockham denied the real simultaneity of opposed potencies, the Ochamist extension of temporal necessity to the present was denied by Gregory of Rimini, who was favourable, together (...)
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    Index Nominum.Niccolo Acciaiuoli, Franciscus Francesco Accorso Accursius, Pierre D' Ailly, Alexander Aurelius, Severus Alexander, Jacques Almain, Angelus Carletus de Clavasio, An Carletus & Emperor Arcadius - 1997 - In Jill Kraye, Cambridge translations of Renaissance philosophical texts. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 293.
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    Herkesin Dilinde Olan Zayıf Söylem: Temsilcilik ve Kavramcılık Karşısında Fahreddin er-R'zî.Francesco Omar Zamboni - forthcoming - Nazariyat, Journal for the History of Islamic Philosophy and Sciences.
    Bu araştırma, İbn Sînâcı ve İbn Sînâ-sonrası temsilciliğe ve kavramcılığa yönelik Fahreddin er-Râzî’nin tutumunun g mini, onu bu gibi öğretilere karşı giderek daha çok şüpheye düşüren nedenleri irdelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. İbn Sînâ’nın temsilciliğine göre bilgiye, zorunlu olarak, bilgi nesnelerinin mahiyetleriyle özdeş olan zihnî suretler aracılık eder. İbn Sînâ-sonrası bazı düşünürler, zihnî suretleri mahiyetleri açısından nesnelerden farklı olarak, onların yalnızca birer imgeleri olarak dikkate alıp bu açıklamayı yeniden biçimlendirirler. Râzî her iki yaklaşımı da eleştirir. Varlığın eş sesli olmayışına dayanarak İbn Sînâcı temsilciliğin (...)
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    What Corporate Social Responsibility Activities are Valued by the Market?Ron Bird, Anthony D. Hall, Francesco Momentè & Francesco Reggiani - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 76 (2):189-206.
    Corporate management is torn between either focusing solely on the interests of stockholders or taking into account the interests of a wide spectrum of stakeholders. Of course, there need be no conflict where taking the wider view is also consistent with maximising stockholder wealth. In this paper, we examine the extent to which a conflict actually exists by examining the relationship between a company's positive and negative corporate social responsibility activities and equity performance. In general, we find little evidence to (...)
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    Ambition, désir d'être despote, amour du pouvoir: Un aspect de la théorie helvétienne des passions entre De l'esprit et De l'homme.Francesco Toto - 2023 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 61 (1):51-75.
    Abstractabstract:This paper discusses the anthropology, ethics, and politics of Helvetius, focusing on the theme of power and the passions that gravitate around it, and highlighting the transition from a position that could be broadly defined as "anarchic" (all powers are bad) to one that realistically takes power for granted as an insurmountable horizon (and which leads to the future-laden idea of a "democratic despotism"). By analyzing these themes, it questions the common interpretation of Helvetius's thought as a compact block ("Le (...)
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    Il senso religioso in Henri de Lubac.Francesco Bertoldi - 1988 - Communio 98:50-74.
    L'uomo non si può compiere, per il teologo francese Henri de Lubac, se non in Dio, sia Origine (creatore) e Fine ultimo. Qualunque meta finita quindi è destinata a rivelarsi come non appagante. Lo sostenevano già non solo Agostino e i Padri della Chiesa, ma anche Tommaso d'Aquino , col concetto di “desiderium naturale videndi Deum”, poi dimenticato dai tomisti moderni, e riscoperto appunto da de Lubac.
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  12. The Selection Problem.Francesco Berto - 2012 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 262 (4):519-537.
    In 'Fiction and Fictionalism', Mark Sainsbury has recently dubbed “Selection Problem” a serious trouble for Meinongian object theories. Typically, Meinongianism has been phrased as a kind of realism on nonexistent objects : these are mind-independent things, not mental simulacra, having the properties they have independently from the activity of any cognitive agent. But how can one single out an object we have no causal acquaintance with, and which is devoid of spatiotemporal location, picking it out from a pre-determined, mind-independent set (...)
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    A descriptive Main Gap Theorem.Francesco Mangraviti & Luca Motto Ros - 2020 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 21 (1):2050025.
    Answering one of the main questions of [S.-D. Friedman, T. Hyttinen and V. Kulikov, Generalized descriptive set theory and classification theory, Mem. Amer. Math. Soc. 230 80, Chap. 7], we show that there is a tight connection between the depth of a classifiable shallow theory [Formula: see text] and the Borel rank of the isomorphism relation [Formula: see text] on its models of size [Formula: see text], for [Formula: see text] any cardinal satisfying [Formula: see text]. This is achieved by (...)
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  14. La verità in Blondel o la non-possedibilità del vero [2a].Francesco Bertoldi - 2001 - Divus Thomas 29 (2):179-202.
    [ita]Completando un precedente articolo si analizza la concezione gnoseologica di Maurice Blondel, di cui viene respinta una interpretazione relativistica, pur riconoscendo in lui alcuni limiti, in particolare una eccessiva diffidenza verso il concetto. [eng] Completing a previous article, the gnoseological conception of Maurice Blondel is analyzed, and a relativistic interpretation of her is rejected, even if some of its limits are recognized, in particular an excessive diffidence towards the concept.
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    Presenza e relazione nel pensiero di Martin Buber.Francesco Ferrari - 2012 - Edizioni dell'Orso.
    È possibile istituire un nesso tra la presenza di Dio nel mondo, che Buber avrebbe descritto fin dai suoi primi scritti chassidici attraverso la nozione cabalistica di Shekinah, la presenza di Dio nell'uomo e la presenza dell’uomo a se stesso? È possibile riconoscere alla presenza il carattere fondamentale dell’accadere della relazione e, insieme, fondare la religione sull'accadere di quell’originario evento d’incontro, su una risposta al Tu? È possibile che, proprio attraverso l’evento della presenza, del presente dischiuso nell’Augenblick, la religione possa (...)
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    Religione e religiosità. Germanicità, ebraismo, mistica nell'opera predialogica di Martin Buber.Francesco Ferrari - 2014 - Milano: Mimesis.
    Solcando il mare aperto dell’Europa all’alba del Ventesimo secolo, il giovane Martin Buber (1878-1965) ha sopra di sé diverse costellazioni, offerte tanto dal filosofare di Nietzsche, Dilthey e Simmel, quanto dalla letteratura della Jung Wien, quanto ancora da un ebraismo personale e sotterraneo, oscillante tra sionismo culturale e chassidismo. L’antitesi tra religione e religiosità offre a lui – come a noi – il sestante con il quale orientarsi in una così ardua navigazione. Forte di ciò, Buber veleggia in direzione dei (...)
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    Nouvelles vues logiques.Francesco Orestano - 1937 - Travaux du IXe Congrès International de Philosophie 6:64-68.
    La logique traditionnelle, dite logique pure, est une logique des classifications, reposant sur le principe d’identité ; elle exclut les relations telles que les relations mathématiques, parce qu’elle se borne à l’unique catégorie de la substance. L’auteur distingue une logique pure, véritablement universelle, qui contient les principes de l’accord de la pensée avec elle-même, et une logique catégorique ou ontologique ayant pour but d’établir l’accord de la pensée réfléchie avec la réalité expérimentée ; cette logique contient autant de branches que (...)
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    Le discours des évêques italiens sur la famille et les questions éthiques : une ou plusieurs voix?Francesco Pesce - 2015 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 71 (3):373-397.
    Francesco Pesce | : Le présent article étudie l’enseignement des évêques italiens sur la famille et quelques questions éthiques, sur une période de dix ans. Pour les catholiques italiens et les Italiens en général, il n’est pas facile de faire la distinction entre le Vatican et la Conférence épiscopale italienne et, par conséquent, on donne de l’importance aux discours d’un évêque en fonction de son rapport à la position « officielle » du pape. Dans ce contexte, on examinera les (...)
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    Social Entrepreneurship and Business Ethics: Does Social Equal Ethical?Elizabeth Chell, Laura J. Spence, Francesco Perrini & Jared D. Harris - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 133 (4):619-625.
    This editorial to the special issue addresses the often overlooked question of the ethical nature of social enterprises. The emerging social entrepreneurship literature has previously been dominated by enthusiasts who fail to critique the social enterprise, focusing instead on its distinction from economic entrepreneurship and potential in solving social problems. In this respect, we have found through the work presented herein that the relation between social entrepreneurship and ethics needs to be problematized. Further, we find that a range of conceptual (...)
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    Like Mending a Torn Fabric.Francesco Omar Zamboni - 2024 - Journal of Islamic Philosophy 15 (1):30-65.
    This paper investigates the doctrine of man’s essence and resurrection defended by the late Muʿtazilī Rukn al-Dīn b. al-Malāḥimī al-Khwārazmī (d. 536/1141). His anthropology combines substance reductionism and function organicism. Even though man is not a unitary substance additional to the sum of his atomic parts, the specific arrangement of parts we call “man” exhibits functions that are indivisible and irreducible (they are not sums of functions predicable of the indi­vidual parts). When it comes to resurrection, Ibn al-Malāḥimī abandons the (...)
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    La verità in Blondel o la non-possedibilità del vero [1a].Francesco Bertoldi - 2000 - Divus Thomas 26 (2):110-132.
    [ita] Blondel offre una prospettiva gnoseologica complementare al tomismo: se quest'ultimo sottolinea troppo la forza del concetto, Blondel da parte sua la relativizza un po' troppo. Tra le due prospettive occorre quindi cercare una sintesi. -/- [eng] Blondel offers a gnoseological perspective complementary to tomism: if the latter excessively underlines the strength of the concept, Blondel instead underestimates it. Between the two perspectives it is therefore necessary to seek a synthesis.
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  22. La grazia negli scritti di Carlo Colombo.Francesco Bertoldi - 1992 - Humanitas 4:568-80.
    [ita] L'articolo analizza la concezione della grazia nel pensiero del teologo milanese Carlo Colombo. Egli affronta tale tema con la consueta tendenza alla sintesi e alla moderazione, confrontando soprattutto le tesi di Tommaso d'Aquino e del Molina e adottando una soluzione che salvi al tempo stesso la giustizia di Dio e il suo essere Mistero ineffabile. -/- [eng] The article analyzes the conception of grace in the thought of the Milanese theologian Carlo Colombo. He deals with this theme with the (...)
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    Medioevo Filosofico (2nd edition).Bertoldi Francesco - 2023 - Milan - Italy: Independently published.
    [ita] Il testo cerca di attualizzare la filosofia medioevale, traducendo il suo linguaggio, spesso incomprensibile per la nostra mentalità antimetafisica, in termini il più possibili esistenziali e pertinenti con le domande di senso, che caratterizzano l'uomo in quanto tale. La seconda edizione, del 2023, è puramente digitale (Amazon KDP). -/- [eng] The text tries to show the topicality of medieval philosophy, translating its language, often incomprehensible for our antimetaphysical mentality, in terms as existential as possible and relevant for meaning issues, (...)
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    Quelle est l'hypothèse de Parménide dans Platon, Parménide 137 B 1-4?Francesco Fronterotta - 1999 - Les Etudes Philosophiques:41-46.
    Dans le Parménide de Platon (135 c8 - d5), Parménide propose à Socrate un exercise dialectique, préliminaire à la recherche de la vérité, qui consiste essentiellement dans la vérification de la cohérence logique des conséquences déduites d'une certaine hypothèse et, ensuite, du renversement de l'hypothèse initiale, par rapport à l'objet de l'hypothèse et par rapport à son opposé. Dans un passage très bref (137 b 1-4), Parménide déclare que son examen sera consacré à l' « un lui-même » et qu'il (...)
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    Dionysus and Politics. Constructing Authority in the Graeco-Roman World.Francesco Massa - 2022 - Kernos 35:370-372.
    Le présent volume sur Dionysos est issu d’un colloque qui a eu lieu à l’université de Varsovie en janvier 2019, dans le cadre du National Programme for the Development of Humanities financé par le ministère polonais de la Science et de l’Éducation supérieure. Il se concentre sur un aspect spécifique du dieu grec, celui de son rapport avec la politique et l’autorité. Dans une brève introduction (p. 1–5), Filip Doroszewski et Dariusz Karlowicz rappellent que, par-delà l’imaginaire nietzschéen d...
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    Partecipazione come scientia intuitiva Lévy-Bruhl e Spinoza.Francesco Saverio Nisio - 2005 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 3 (3):323-333.
    On peut trouver dans l’œuvre de Lévy-Bruhl des traces de la présence de Spinoza, en particulier de sa conception de la connaissance du troisième genre, ou « science intuitive ». Il apparaît que Lévy-Bruhl a travaillé à une « new science of metaphysics », aussi bien dans ses œuvres d’histoire de la philosophie que dans ses ouvrages ethnologiques.One may find in Lévy-Bruhl’s works traces of Spinoza’s presence, in particular of his conception of « knowledge of the third kind », i.e. (...)
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    Once again on epicurus’ letter to herodotus §§ 39–40.Francesco Verde - 2018 - Classical Quarterly 68 (2):736-739.
    In this short note I would like to reflect again upon paragraphs 39–40 of Epicurus’ Letter to Herodotus and, more specifically, on the text printed in the last critical edition by Tiziano Dorandi, which I quote below together with the critical apparatus :495 ἀλλὰ μὴν καὶ τὸ πᾶν ἐστι · σώματα μὲν γὰρ ὡς ἔστιν, αὐτὴ ἡ αἴσθησις ἐπὶπάντων μαρτυρεῖ, καθ’ ἣν ἀναγκαῖον τὸ ἄδηλον τῷλογισμῷ τεκμαίρεσθαι, ὥσπερ προεῖπον. [40] τόπος δὲ εἰ500 μὴ ἦν ὃ κενὸν καὶ χώραν καὶ ἀναφῆ (...)
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    Between abstraction and idealization: Scientific practice and philosophical awareness.Francesco Coniglione - 2004 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 82 (1):59-110.
    The aim of this essay is to emphasize a number of important points that will provide a better understanding of the history of philosophical thought concerning scientific knowledge. The main points made are: (a) that the principal way of viewing abstraction which has dominated the history of thought and epistemology up to the present is influenced by the original Aristotelian position; (b) that with the birth of modern science a new way of conceiving abstraction came into being which is better (...)
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  29. Consciousness and Complexity: Neurobiological Naturalism and Integrated Information Theory.Francesco Ellia & Robert Chis-Ciure - 2022 - Consciousness and Cognition 100 (C):103281.
    In this paper, we take a meta-theoretical stance and aim to compare and assess two conceptual frameworks that endeavor to explain phenomenal experience. In particular, we compare Feinberg & Mallatt’s Neurobiological Naturalism (NN) and Tononi’s and colleagues' Integrated Information Theory (IIT), given that the former pointed out some similarities between the two theories (Feinberg & Mallatt 2016c-d). To probe their similarity, we first give a general introduction to both frameworks. Next, we expound a ground plan for carrying out our analysis. (...)
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    Le prime quattro Collationes Parisienses sulle tracce di Giovanni Duns Scoto.Francesco Fiorentino - 2023 - Franciscan Studies 81 (1):115-140.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Le prime quattro Collationes Parisienses sulle tracce di Giovanni Duns ScotoFrancesco Fiorentino (bio)Come si è visto altrove, l'attribuzione delle Collationes è abbastanza dubbia, propriamente parlando: questa opera non può essere ricondotta a Giovanni Duns Scoto in quanto autore secondo i concetti moderni di proprietà intellettuale e di responsabilità privata, che non risultano pertinenti ai processi materiali di produzione del libro tardo-medievale in quanto opera collettiva, fondata sulla co-autorialità distribuita (...)
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    Alcune Osservazioni Su Eraclito Fr. 41 D.-K. (85 Marcovich).Francesco Fronterotta - 2009 - Elenchos 30 (2):329-336.
    This paper suggests a new proposal of translation and interpretation of Heraclitus’ fragment 41 D.-K., with reference to his conception of σοφία, which is aimed to an explanation of everything.
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    It’s not just the farm: enterprise and household responses to the pandemic by North Carolina niche meat producers.Andrew R. Smolski, Michael D. Schulman, Silvana Pietrosemoli & Francesco Tiezzi - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-15.
    The Covid-19 pandemic raised questions about the viability of food chains and created new opportunities for small-scale producers. This study reports on findings from a project directed at investigating how niche meat farmers respond to external challenges and threats including those related to their position as small-scale producers and those that are pandemic-related. A purposeful sample (_N_ = 5) of local meat producers in NC, recruited through their producer network, were interviewed twice (in 2021 and again in 2022) via Zoom. (...)
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    Compassion-Focused Group Therapy for Treatment-Resistant OCD: Initial Evaluation Using a Multiple Baseline Design.Nicola Petrocchi, Teresa Cosentino, Valerio Pellegrini, Giuseppe Femia, Antonella D’Innocenzo & Francesco Mancini - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Obsessive–compulsive disorder is a debilitating mental health disorder that can easily become a treatment-resistant condition. Although effective therapies exist, only about half of the patients seem to benefit from them when we consider treatment refusal, dropout rates, and residual symptoms. Thus, providing effective augmentation to standard therapies could improve existing treatments. Group compassion-focused interventions have shown promise for reducing depression, anxiety, and avoidance related to various clinical problems, but this approach has never been evaluated for OCD individuals. However, cultivating compassion (...)
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    Provocazioni sul tema della verità nel tomismo.Francesco Bertoldi - 1995 - Divus Thomas 10:9-26.
    [ita] L'articolo analizza la concezione di verità in Tommaso d'Aquino, di cui si sottolinea una sostanziale validità, a patto di integrarsi con la prospettiva più affettivo-esistenziale tipica della Patristica e di Blondel. [eng] The article analyzes the conception of truth in Tommaso d'Aquino, underlining a substantial validity of it, provided that it is completed with the most existential perspective typical of the Patristic and Blondel.
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    Greek into Arabic: Essays on Islamic Philosophy (review). [REVIEW]Francesco Gabrieli - 1963 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 1 (1):109-110.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 109 makes for much enjoyment in the reading; the historical and linguistic enquiries are often most rewarding; the weakest moments come when his hectoring of modern sceptics betrays an ignorance of relevant modern arguments. Generally the production is excellent, but on page 129, line 19, delete.... ; on page 185, line 17 and page 186, line 14, read ~p,~**for ~pcr Amherst College J O H NKING-FARLOW Greek (...)
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  36. Les philosophes et les mystères dans l'Empire romain.Nicole Belayche & Francesco Massa (eds.) - 2021 - Liège (Belgique): Presses Universitaires de Liège.
    Les pratiques et les discours philosophiques sous l'empire romain ont été largement inspirés par le langage des cultes à mystères. Depuis la période grecque classique, la pensée philosophique antique a assimilé et réélaboré la terminologie de ces cultes afin d'exprimer l'accès au savoir philosophique, le parcours de la connaissance et l'acquisition d'une 'révélation' réservée aux seuls initiés. Au fil des siècles, le langage platonicien, pétri de références aux cultes à mystères, devient le socle commun de la plupart des lettrés, quelle (...)
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  37. One year after Berlin: News of natural law.Francesco D'Agostino, Andres Ollero & Martin Rhonheimer - 2012 - Acta Philosophica 21 (2):377 - 390.
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    Space and Time: A Priori and a Posteriori Studies.Vincenzo Fano, Francesco Orilia & Giovanni Macchia (eds.) - 2014 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    This collection focuses on the ontology of space and time. It is centred on the idea that the issues typically encountered in this area must be tackled from a multifarious perspective, paying attention to both a priori and a posteriori considerations. Several experts in this area contribute to this volume: G. Landini discusses how Russell’s conception of time features in his general philosophical perspective;D. Dieks proposes a middle course between substantivalist and relationist accounts of space-time;P. Graziani argues that it is (...)
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  39. Cultural Exaptation and Cultural Neural Reuse: A Mechanism for the Emergence of Modern Culture and Behavior.Francesco D’Errico & Ivan Colagè - 2018 - Biological Theory 13 (4):213-227.
    On the basis of recent advancements in both neuroscience and archaeology, we propose a plausible biocultural mechanism at the basis of cultural evolution. The proposed mechanism, which relies on the notions of cultural exaptation and cultural neural reuse, may account for the asynchronous, discontinuous, and patchy emergence of innovations around the globe. Cultural exaptation refers to the reuse of previously devised cultural features for new purposes. Cultural neural reuse refers to cases in which exposure to cultural practices induces the formation, (...)
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    Simulating Market Entry Rewards for Antibiotics Development.Christopher Okhravi, Simone Callegari, Steve McKeever, Carl Kronlid, Enrico Baraldi, Olof Lindahl & Francesco Ciabuschi - 2018 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 46 (s1):32-42.
    We design an agent based Monte Carlo model of antibiotics research and development to explore the effects of the policy intervention known as Market Entry Reward on the likelihood that an antibiotic entering pre-clinical development reaches the market. By means of sensitivity analysis we explore the interaction between the MER and four key parameters: projected net revenues, R&D costs, venture capitalists discount rates, and large pharmaceutical organizations' financial thresholds. We show that improving revenues may be more efficient than reducing costs, (...)
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    The origin of humanity and modern cultures: archaeology's view.Francesco D'Errico - 2007 - Diogenes 54 (2):122 - 133.
    It is hard to define cultural modernity. Nonetheless, apparently there is no match between biological and cultural evolution, between biological and archaeological data. The features of cultural modernity cannot be seen as a direct consequence of the biological origin of our species. A second crucial aspect is that the subsistence strategies, technological and symbolic traditions of Neanderthals are not significantly different from those of modern humans living in Africa and the Near East at the same period. Europe, at the level (...)
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    Francesco Stella, ed., Poesia dell'alto medioevo europeo: Manoscritti, lingua e musica dei ritmi latini/Poetry of Early Medieval Europe: Manuscripts, Language and Music of the Latin Rhythmical Texts. Atti delle euroconferenze per il Corpus dei ritmi latini , Arezzo 6–7 novembre 1998 e Ravello 9–12 settembre 1999/Proceedings of the Euroconferences for the Corpus of Latin Rhythmical Poems . Preface by Claudio Leonardi. Florence: SISMEL, Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2000. Pp. ix, 493; black-and-white figures, black-and-white plates, diagrams, tables, and musical examples. €80.05.Edoardo D'Angelo and Francesco Stella, eds., Poetry of the Early Medieval Europe: Manuscripts, Language and Music of the Rhythmical Latin Texts. Texts. III Euroconference for the Digital Edition of the “Corpus of Latin Rhythmical Texts, 4th-9th Century.” Preface by Benedikt Konrad Vollmann. Florence: SISMEL, Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2003. Pp. xx, 388; black-and-white figures, tables, and musical examples. €85. [REVIEW]Jan M. Ziolkowski - 2005 - Speculum 80 (3):985-987.
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    Gambling Behavior and Risk Factors in Preadolescent Students: A Cross Sectional Study.Nicoletta Vegni, Francesco Maria Melchiori, Caterina D’Ardia, Claudia Prestano, Massimo Canu, Giulia Piergiovanni & Gloria Di Filippo - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Plato on ONOMA, PHMA and ΛΟΓΟΣ: theories of ΣΗΜΑΙΝΕΙΝ in the Sophist 261d-262e. [REVIEW]Francesco Fronterotta - 2019 - Methodos 19.
    Dans cet article, j’examine la conception platonicienne du λόγος, en Sophiste 261d-262e, en tant que succession (συνέχεια) « signifiante » de ὄνομα et ῥῆμα, par un commentaire du passage cité du dialogue. Je discute particulièrement les points suivants : 1. Pourquoi « les termes prononcés », dans les cas d’une succession de noms ou d’une succession de verbes, n’indiquent aucune action ni aucune inaction (οὐδεμίαν... πρᾶξιν οὐδ᾽ ἀπραξίαν), aucune réalité qui est ni aucune réalité qui n’est pas (οὐδὲ οὐσίαν ὅντος (...)
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    Book Review: Francesco d'Assisi e Alcuni dei suoi Recenti Biografi. [REVIEW]Thomas Davidson - 1897 - International Journal of Ethics 7 (2):242-.
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    The paramagnetic-to-ferromagnetic transition in B2-structured Fe-Al single crystals: experiments and calculations.D. Wu, P. Munroe & I. Baker - 2003 - Philosophical Magazine 83 (3):295-313.
    It is well established that single crystals of B2-structured Fe-Al change from paramagnetic to ferromagnetic upon plastic deformation. This strain-induced ferromagnetism arises mostly from Fe atoms which have three or more like nearest neighbours in antiphase-boundary tubes. Such Fe atoms carry magnetic moments according to their local environment. In this study, the saturation magnetizations, M S , of cold-rolled Fe-34 at.% Al, Fe-40 at.% Al and Fe-43 at.% Al single crystals were measured in a vibrating-sample magnetometer from 77 K to (...)
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  47. Psychological Treatments and Psychotherapies in the Neurorehabilitation of Pain: Evidences and Recommendations from the Italian Consensus Conference on Pain in Neurorehabilitation.Gianluca Castelnuovo, Emanuele M. Giusti, Gian Mauro Manzoni, Donatella Saviola, Arianna Gatti, Samantha Gabrielli, Marco Lacerenza, Giada Pietrabissa, Roberto Cattivelli, Chiara A. M. Spatola, Stefania Corti, Margherita Novelli, Valentina Villa, Andrea Cottini, Carlo Lai, Francesco Pagnini, Lorys Castelli, Mario Tavola, Riccardo Torta, Marco Arreghini, Loredana Zanini, Amelia Brunani, Paolo Capodaglio, Guido E. D'Aniello, Federica Scarpina, Andrea Brioschi, Lorenzo Priano, Alessandro Mauro, Giuseppe Riva, Claudia Repetto, Camillo Regalia, Enrico Molinari, Paolo Notaro, Stefano Paolucci, Giorgio Sandrini, Susan G. Simpson, Brenda Wiederhold & Stefano Tamburin - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Psychological Considerations in the Assessment and Treatment of Pain in Neurorehabilitation and Psychological Factors Predictive of Therapeutic Response: Evidence and Recommendations from the Italian Consensus Conference on Pain in Neurorehabilitation.Gianluca Castelnuovo, Emanuele M. Giusti, Gian Mauro Manzoni, Donatella Saviola, Arianna Gatti, Samantha Gabrielli, Marco Lacerenza, Giada Pietrabissa, Roberto Cattivelli, Chiara A. M. Spatola, Stefania Corti, Margherita Novelli, Valentina Villa, Andrea Cottini, Carlo Lai, Francesco Pagnini, Lorys Castelli, Mario Tavola, Riccardo Torta, Marco Arreghini, Loredana Zanini, Amelia Brunani, Paolo Capodaglio, Guido E. D'Aniello, Federica Scarpina, Andrea Brioschi, Lorenzo Priano, Alessandro Mauro, Giuseppe Riva, Claudia Repetto, Camillo Regalia, Enrico Molinari, Paolo Notaro, Stefano Paolucci, Giorgio Sandrini, Susan G. Simpson, Brenda Wiederhold & Stefano Tamburin - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Teoria e pratica della tolleranza nel Medioevo.Anna Arezzo - 2014 - Quaestio 14:334-340.
    R.P. Rivas, Tolerancia: teoría y práctica en la Edad Media, Actas del Coloquio de Mendoza, Federation Internationale des Instituts d’Etudes Medievales, Porto 2012.
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    Rhetoric & Dialectic in the Time of Galileo (review).Francesco Valerio Tommasi - 2005 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 43 (3):358-359.
    Francesco Valerio Tommasi - Rhetoric & Dialectic in the Time of Galileo - Journal of the History of Philosophy 43:3 Journal of the History of Philosophy 43.3 358-359 Jean Dietz Moss and William A. Wallace. Rhetoric & Dialectic in the Time of Galileo. Washington, D.C.:The Catholic University of America Press, 2003. Pp. ix + 438. Cloth, $69.95. "The setting for this book is Northern Italy in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries, a time when arguments were more than (...)
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